Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Azure Cosmos DB (DP-420)
- Per deelnemer: € 2.145,00 excl. BTW
- Examen Upgrade: € 205,00 excl. BTW
4 dagen
Max 16 deelnemers
- Direct inschrijven
This DP-420 course teaches developers how to create application using the SQL API and SDK for Azure Cosmos DB. You will learn how to write efficient queries, create indexing policies, manage and provisioned resources, and perform common operations with the SDK.
Software engineers tasked with authoring cloud-native solutions that leverage Azure Cosmos DB SQL API and its various SDKs. They are familiar with C#, Python, Java, or JavaScript. They also have experience writing code that interacts with a SQL or NoSQL database platform
Aanbevolen trainingen:
Deze training wordt in het Engels en Nederlands gegeven. Het bijbehorende examen wordt in het Engels afgenomen.
Engelstalig en digitaal Microsoft Official Courseware. De lestijden zijn van 9.00 tot 16.30.
Wanneer je je aanmeldt voor deze training, kun je een upgrade voor het examen ‘DP-420: Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB’ toevoegen.
Je ontvangt dan een examenvoucher (vereist om deel te nemen aan het officiële Microsoft-examen). Na het succesvol afleggen van dit examen beschik je over het volgende certificaat: Microsoft Certified: Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty.
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Modern apps thrive on real-time data from different sources and shaped in different forms. These apps require a modern database that can handle the variety and velocity of data that will be thrown at it. In this module, we will explore Azure Cosmos DB and how the SQL API can solve some of the problems presented by modern applications.
Creating a new Azure Cosmos DB account often requires making a lot of configuration choices that can, at first, be daunting. While the defaults fit a lot of scenarios, it makes the most sense to familiarize yourself with the configuration options to ensure that your account and resources are optimally configured for your solution. In this module, you will learn how to prepare and configure an Azure Cosmos DB account and resources for a new solution.
There are various SDKs available to connect to the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API from many popular programming languages including, but not limited to .NET (C#), Java, Python, and JavaScript (Node.js). In this module, you will get hands-on with with the .NET SDK for the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API.
The SQL API SDK for Azure Cosmos DB is used to perform various point operations, perform transactions, and to process bulk data. In this module, you will use the SDK to manipulate documents either individually or in groups.
The Azure Cosmos DB SQL API supports Structured Query Language (SQL) as a JSON query language. In this module, you will learn how to create efficient queries using the SQL query language.
By default, Azure Cosmos DB automatically indexes all paths of documents stored using the SQL API. This is great for developing new applications as you can create complex queries almost immediately. As your application matures, you can customize your indexing policy to better match the needs of your solution. In this module, you will learn how to create a custom indexing policy.
Azure Cosmos DB has tight integration available with many other Azure servicers such as Azure Functions, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Storage, Azure Data Factory, and Azure Stream Analytics. Going even further, you can use the change feed to integrate Azure Cosmos DB with many other services both in and out of Azure. In this module, we will integrate Azure Cosmos DB with both Azure Functions and Azure Cognitive Search. We will also explore the change feed using the SDK.
Azure Cosmos DB is both horizontally scalable and nonrelational. To achieve this level of scalability, users need to understand the concepts, techniques, and technologies unique to NoSQL databases for modeling and partitioning data. In this module, you will model and partition data appropriately for a NoSQL database such as Azure Cosmos DB SQL API.
Today’s applications are required to be highly responsive and always online. To achieve low latency and high availability, instances of these applications need to be deployed in datacenters that are close to their users. In this module, you will explore how to replicate data and manage consistency across the globe using Azure Cosmos DB SQL API.
Azure Cosmos DB offers a rich set of database operations that operate on the items within a container. The cost associated with each of these operations varies based on the CPU, IO, and memory required to complete the operation. In this module, you will explore how to manage indexing policies and edit queries to minimize per-query request unit (RU) cost.
When you have critical applications and business processes relying on Azure resources such as Azure Cosmos DB, you want to monitor those resources for their availability, performance, and operation. In this module, you will explore how to monitor events and performance of an Azure Cosmos DB account. You will also learn how to implement common security measures along with backup and restore in Azure Cosmos DB.
Once an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account is ready to go through a release lifecycle, it’s not uncommon for an operations team to attempt to automate the creation of Azure Cosmos DB resources in the cloud. Automation makes it easier to deploy new environments, restore past environments, or scale a service out. In this module, you will explore how to use Azure Resource Manager to manage an Azure Cosmos DB account and its child resources using JSON templates, Bicep templates, or the Azure CLI.
Azure Cosmos DB provides language-integrated, transactional execution of JavaScript. When using the SQL API in Azure Cosmos DB, you can write stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions (UDFs) in the JavaScript language. In this module, you will author JavaScript logic that executes directly inside the database engine.
Kosten per deelnemer: € 2.145,00 excl. BTW
Max. deelnemers: 16
De genoemde cursustarieven zijn per persoon, exclusief 21% BTW ( BTW nummer wordt vermeld op de factuur), inclusief alle actuele lesmaterialen, een naslagwerk (Pdf) en een certificaat van deelname. Er zijn dus geen bijkomende kosten achteraf.
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