Power BI Advanced (English)
- Per deelnemer: € 1.195,00 excl. VAT
2 days
Max 10 students
- Register now
The Power BI Advanced training course is a 2-days practice-oriented course in which we elaborate on the use of Power BI Desktop and is the follow-up to the Power BI Basics Course. Among other things, we pay attention to the proper design of a model and choices for column calculations or measurements. DAX is a formula language with which you can perform all kinds of calculations with your data in Microsoft Power BI. The language is comparable, sometimes even identical, to Excel formulas. But with DAX even more is possible and the usage is a bit more complex. Working with DAX functions is lifted to a higher level, and we will work out the extra visualizations further in the training.
During the 2-day course Power BI Advanced you will receive, in addition to many exercises, various practical examples to work with. This allows you to use the advanced components of Power BI after following this course, such as DAX.
You have knowledge of Excel Advanced and Power BI Desktop and Online. If you have not followed Power BI Basics Course (in English) or have not followed Excel Advanced training, enter the knowledge test here and determine your starting level immediately.
Are you unsure whether this training suits your knowledge and skills? Then contact us for advice or call us on 020-820 83 62.
The ‘classroom live’ and ‘virtual classroom’ Power BI course is supported by the digital SignOn Learning Environment with an introduction video, up-to-date course materials, various exercises and a handy Power BI installation document so you can briefly prepare your training. At SignOn, learning does not stop after attending this two-day training course. You can ask questions to our trainers for one year and get access to the learning portal for one year with additional exercises, useful tips & tricks, monthly update videos on the latest Power BI features and an invitation to a free webinar.
The standard language during the course is English. In-company tailor-made training is also given in other languages. This basic training is also given in Dutch, see Power BI Basic course in Dutch.
SignOn always provides all participants with the comprehensive current Power BI course material. As a result, you also have a handy reference work after the training.
After the training you will receive a certificate.
Do you want to follow a follow-up course after this Power BI Fundamentals course? Then the Power BI Expert Course (in English) course is highly recommended.
This training is given by one of our Power BI experts. They have years of experience and current knowledge. They know what you encounter every day and provide useful tips and tricks. Because they not only provide training but also work as Power BI consultants. Meet our Power BI trainers:
During this 2-days Power BI Advanced course we will take a closer look to the more advanced features of Power BI. It focusses on creating good data models, using DAX to create advanced measures and calculations and create more advanced visualizations.
Context is an important part for use of the correct DAX functions.
Price per participant € 1.195,00 excl. VAT
Max. participants: 10
The mentioned course rates are per person, excluding 21% VAT (VAT number is stated on the invoice), including all current teaching materials, a reference work (PDF) and a certificate of participation. So there are no additional costs afterwards.
If you register with a group of five or more people for a course at the company location (in-company), we can offer an attractive group rate. For information about our group rates, contact us and request a quote or call 020 – 820 83 62.
The government stimulates knowledge and skills in the Netherlands. That is why SignOn’s courses are (partially) tax-deductible. How much you can deduct depends on your situation. Do you want to know more? Check the website of the Tax Authorities.
As an employer you can deduct the full training costs for employees as operating costs. This applies to the training itself, but also to other costs such as books, registration fees, administrative costs, the certificate or extra supervision. At SignOn all these costs are already included in the price.
Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Feel free to contact us via info@signon.nl or call 020 – 820 83 62.
Choose a delivery format that suits you best. The following delivery formats are available for this course:
A face-to-face training on a location in the Netherlands. Employees from different companies are present during this classroom training. Fully catered for, including an extensive lunch.
Attend a the virtual classroom course from any location (workplace or home). You learn from a live instructor and are in contact with other participants. The instructor has the possibility to look at your screen (if necessary) to answer all your questions. This training will take place via Microsoft Teams (free of use).
Our in-company training is tailored to your company. The specialized trainer only deals with what is important for your company and work situation. That makes our tailor-made training very effective. We provide these training courses in Dutch, English and German. The choice for an in-company training provides an attractive discount. Depending on the number of participants, the discount can be as much as 50% compared to participation in an open training. More information or request a quote.
Ik ben de training gaan volgen om inzicht te krijgen in het gebruik van DAX. Ik vond dat de trainer een goede uitleg gaf en dat er een goede sfeer hing.
Ik heb de training erg prettig ervaren, ik heb eerder ook de basis cursus gevolgd. Doordat de basis training me goed is bevallen was ik ook benieuwd naar deze training en die is wederom goed bevallen.
Ik ben deze training gaan volgen om het programma power Bi en de mogelijkheden daarbinnen te leren kennen. Ik ben zeer tevreden met de cursus, ik heb hiervoor ook al een andere training van SignOn gevolgd.
Rustig en duidelijk uitleg incl. voorbeelden. Er waren veel oefeningen. Er is ruimte voor eigen vragen en inbreng en gebruik van eigen data. Het zorgt ervoor dat je nog beter en sneller gebruik maakt van Power BI en dat je niet in de bron zelf bewerkingen gaat doorvoeren.
Goed niveau! De training geeft vooral inzicht in de mogelijkheden die er zijn binnen PowerBI en om daar vervolgens zelf meer gedetailleerd onderzoek naar te doen of mee te oefenen
Ik ben zeer tevreden over zowel training als trainer. Ik wilde graag meer te weten komen over DAX en handige andere functies binnen power BI. De training heeft absoluut waargemaakt wat ik zocht!
Mijn leerdoel was het verder kennismaken met DAX nadat ik de Power BI Basis training heb gevolgd. De voorbereiding in de online omgeving en de handson aanpak zodat je gewoon zelf met de vingers aan de knoppen bent.
Alles vanuit Jeroen en de training zelf als zeer positief ervaren. Mijn leerdoel was om mijn kennis te verdiepen en weer nieuwe kennis op te doen. Absoluut waar gemaakt tijdens deze training!
Tevreden over de eerste basis training, en de goede trainers, waardoor ik nu opnieuw voor SignOn heb gekozen. Ook bij deze training weer een prettig en geduldige trainer. Kan heel goed uitleggen en voordoen. Is zeer deskundig.
Locatie was perfect. Eten en andere faciliteiten waren super geregeld. Had niet beter kunnen vragen. Inhoud en niveau sloten exact aan op wat ik had verwacht en gehoopt, dus dat was helemaal goed. Trainer was erg enthousiast en kon goed en geduldig uitleggen.
Mijn leerdoel was meer kennis krijgen over de mogelijkheden van Power BI. Ik heb een hoop geleerd en de training heeft me geholpen om makkelijker en beter dashboarden te bouwen en het gebruiken van formules.
Ik wilde meer kennis over hoe PowerBI denkt en welke functies je zou kunnen aanroepen. Inhoud en niveau sloot exact aan op wat ik had verwacht en gehoopt. Trainer was erg enthousiast en kon goed en geduldig uitleggen.
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